Penghalusan Makna, Cita Rasa, dan Penyisipan Bahasa Figuratif dalam Lirik Lagu Anak “Pemandangan”Ulasan khusus tentang kesanggupan lagu “Pemandangan” untuk menyingkap fenomena sederhana secara lebih halus dan bercita rasa.Apr 8, 2024Apr 8, 2024
A Brief Contemplation by an Observer to ArtIn 2022, I attended 14 art shows in three months. Here is what I learned from them.Aug 9, 2023Aug 9, 2023
How Phenomenology Saved Me from Buying More Iced CoffeeBy rising to the level of reflection of an experience, we can eliminate irrelevant factors from it. Like the money spent on a cup of…Jul 31, 2021Jul 31, 2021
SofteningWe humans are so prone to being deluded by the illusion that everyone else (well, at least most of them) are better than us. It shows when…Jul 26, 2021Jul 26, 2021
Published inThe Non-essentialInterpretasi Spasial dalam Lagu “Cinta Mati” oleh Agnes Monica dan Ahmad DhaniEntah perlu atau tidak, tulisan ini membahas kesanggupan musik untuk menerangkan peristiwa hidup dan konsep keruangan yang ada di dalamnya.Nov 7, 2020Nov 7, 2020
Indonesian Women Artists: “Into the Future”, Memaknai MasaSebuah perayaan kekayaan dan sambutan hangat untuk masa depan.Mar 9, 2019Mar 9, 2019
The world will become less scary.Despite the wrong decisions you make, you are still a hopeful, growing soul, in the making of a better self.Nov 24, 2018Nov 24, 2018
A Note From Watching Alive ShowI am a child of a former journalist and a music teacher, piano to be exact. I can tell I am lucky enough to be rather familiar with the…Jul 1, 2018Jul 1, 2018